Congratulations to the Newest PME Inductees!

Congratulations to the Newest PME Inductees!

St. Norbert College is home to the Wisconsin Delta Chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon (PME). Students in this honorary national mathematics society wear purple and gold cords at graduation, signifying their membership in PME. For membership, a student must satisfy the following requirements:

(1) The student must have credit for, completed, or tested out of MATH 132
(2) The student must have completed coursework in at least two courses of MATH 200+/MATH 300+ (NOT COUNTING MATH 212/MATH 220)
(3) The student must have a GPA of 3.0+ in eligible MATH courses, and
(4) The student must have an overall GPA of 3.0+.

Spring 2020 Inductees

Andrew Burkart
Cassie Nooyen
Cassy Vander Loop
Eduardo Jose Padrino Velasquez
Hannah Ament
Leah Zimmer
Logan Hennes
Megan Struble
Nicole Pfotenhauer
Peadar McGrath
Sara DeGroot
Sydney Olund
Tricia Wenzel

Spring 2021 Inductees

Crimson Groh
Daniel Scaife
Isabel Farrell
Logan Hennes
Lydia Mader
Nathan LeRoy
Peadar McGrath
Samuel Diny
William Ulrich
Zack Jerzyk
